
>Mononoke gets a new movie after like 17 years
>Minami-ke gets a new season after 11 years
>Yuru Yuri gets multiple new movies after 9 years
Surely, SURELY, a series like Yuyushiki, that is still getting new merchandise and fanart, and is still very popular and remembered quite fondly, will be getting its second season any second now...
Also, Yui is really cool.Crowdfund it!Minamike niggas on top>>270363767
>Minami-ke gets a new season after 11 years
Wow, I completely slept on that! What a treat!
>Surely, SURELY, a series like Yuyushiki, that is still getting new merchandise and fanart, and is still very popular and remembered quite fondly, will be getting its second season any second now
Part of me hopes it won't happen because A) I would go FULL Soijak if it happened and B) I would likely end up in an unrecoverable depression if it ended up being bad>>270363767
We have top men working on it.