>Basic Information Teddy = BBBY + GME https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy https://open.spotify.com/show/64hmkmXpetPEVGPlExkDGl
>Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled >In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout >Bonds are still trading on E*Trade and IBKR >2034 bonds https://markets.businessinsider.com/bonds/bed_bath_beyond_incdl-notes_201414-34-bond-2034-us075896ab63
>Ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/comments/1945r00/holly_etlins_statement_regarding_bbby_potentially/
>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders? https://reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/16ohoy3/do_companies_sometimes_officially_state_that_they/
>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders https://reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/15r9jgh/guess_whos_back_salvatores_back/
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS) https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13a3yh1/end_game_dtc_and_nscc_are_screwed_as_the_dtc_just/