/csg/ - Chink Shit General

Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

1st rule of /csg/: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Useful links
>TWS IEM reviews: https://www.scarbir.com/
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>Mergeboss links (click 3, post yours): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device

Previous: >>102202434
Previous previous: >>102141466>>102246694
Aside from spring, what are other good times to buy stuff at a discount on Ali? I want to get myself some iem, and while they're not too pricey, I'd like to wait until a good deal comes up.>>102246898
11.11, BFCM, pre-Christmas biggest shopping time of the year. 2 months bro>>102246898
11.11 is the biggest sale generally speaking. Note the price now and look that you're not getting scammed by a -80%** discount and you can get some great deals.

**Price raised by 200% a week ago, terms and conditions apply, please understand.>>102245786
The massive A Wing lego clone, its currently $60 but I have faith it'll go down to like $30. Not paying $400 for the real set.

Im torn between a proper one and the lcd panels version. There's one with a mic that can display sound spectrum, wanna put it on my amp