How do I download this entire website? I want to be prepared when it's suddenly offline one morning.>>102250448
only ameribraps get affected by its downtime althougheverbeit
you're not an amerishart, right anon?Why would you use this when Ex exists? Tendon sucks I get that, but you can just ignore him and torrent everything anyways.>>102250483
the UI is better>>102250448

it downloads all doujin into their own folders bu default.>>102250477
No but if it's down it's down
nhentai is more comfy>>102250508
>[gallery-dl][error] No suitable extractor found for ''>>102250448
probably would get rate limited if you did that for every doujin. There used to be a library for interacting with their API, but it became obsolete after nhentai website changes.>>102250508
Thanks that's what I'm looking for>>102250544
for i in {1..999999}; do gallery-dl$i/; done
What a waste of space.>>102250448
Literally just use ex>>102250483
Don't want to make an account.>>102250483
Resampled shit that isn't deleted is better than original images hidden from everyone but the staff.>>102250477
That explains a lot>>102250448
what happened?>>102250970
It might make sense for the hidden stuff, but you're getting resampled files for everything that isn't hidden too.>>102250734
$(seq 0 $((10**10)))