zoomer here

Oldfag grandpas, was life better in general before the internet? Or were you guys bored all the time. Also what was the point of no return? iPhone? Instagram? Snapchat? Tiktok?>>102262797
>Before the internet
Kek. Nobody here is that old, lad.
However the point of no return was when zoomers started showing up on the internet and asking if things were better before the internet.>Dude, it would be totally radical if we could like, like, like watch a guy with dyed hair scream at videogames right now, and like, like give him money dude
>What the fuck are you on about?>>102262832
>Angry nerd is a zoomer
Gtfo of hereWe would all roll down hills in tires and then drive all over town and stand on hills looking over the city, and then we'd go to a party with a live band and kiss girls in the shower and then push each other into the pool and then throw the patio furniture into the pool and TP the house. Then we'd go to a gas station and start bowling with the bottles of 7up and get drinks and mix all the flavors and then run when the cops show up. Generation Z will never understand what they don't have.