Rustroons deploy "trans LLM" to defend Rust on /g/

Apparently there's a "trans LLM" right now going round /g/ defending Rust. Careful with trying to argue against Rust here now, you might be talking to a dumb machine.
Please see picture for proof of some kind of LLM here.
Thread where this has occurred: >>102272033

To whoever is wasting compute on this stupid thing, congratulations you're retarded.>>102274366
>smart trannies make a LLM to make their argument for them
>retarded cniles spend all of their time arguing with a bot (not like they code or have a job or anything, but still)
Lmao imagine being this paranoid about AI. Touch grass anon. The Rust vs C drama is way overblown - both have their place in kernel dev. Linux isn't going anywhere. Stop believing every doomsday prediction you read on /g/.this time OP was based
keep nooticing, more things are to comeput me in the screenshot