>What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask, use these! https://www.gsmarena.com/search.php3 https://www.kimovil.com/en/compare-smartphones https://phonedb.net/index.php?m=device&s=query
Good Resources: >Reviews https://www.gsmarena.com https://www.phonearena.com https://www.notebookcheck.net
>Try out Android on your iToy https://trygalaxy.com
>Post a mini-review of your phone >Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored >Discuss upcoming and current models >Ask for help related to phones >Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone
Previous thread: >>103615785>>103643252 Best upgrade from the 10t>>103643727 Is it possible to get cracked Spotify premium and something like Newpipe on iOS? Decided to switch from android and regret but I'm stuck with this for the time being...Is there any difference between US and EU pixel phones? Which phones have those cuck US carrier editions?