>Sakuga Extended: Add ons to play video on sakugabooru frame-by-frame https://www.sakugabooru.com/forum/show/964 Mozilla Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sakuga-extended/ Chromium based browsers: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sakuga-extended/khmnmdaghmhkcbooicndamlhkcmpklmc
>Reference (artbook, settei of actual anime production, color designs): https://setteidreams.net/settei/ https://setteidreams.net/artbooks/ https://setteidreams.net/color-designs/
Be nice to others : DDD Please bump with own works Avoid excessive reposts Long Live Animation thread !didnt put it in the OP post cuz flagging bots but there's a link to a mega with resources n a crack of TVpiant 1O in this post: >>6392758 use archive.moe and access it yourself the bots might flag it down if its directly linked don't repost the link just use the pastebin link instead
Master post to previous threads for fellow archive enthusiasts: >>7307756>>7210801>>7134902>>7087006>>7086680>>7021886>>6960080>>6864192>>6770405>>7374300 Master link post the second : >>6668960>>6647664>>6583283>>6520943>>6438751>>6353669>>6274427>>6274411>>6199911>>7374301 Master link post the third: >>6147033>>6083435>>5520630>>5440183>>5374224>>5302116>>5241046