Human Domestication Guide General /hdg

General for discussion of Human Domestication Guide & associated fiction.
>What is HDG?
HDG is a collective kink writing project about the Affini (an advanced precursor civilization from outer space) that make pets of every other species in the universe. They have finally turned their many eyes on future grimderp humanity. Using various classes of Xenodrugs, they aim to make Florets (docile, drug addled pets) of us all!
>Where can I read it?
Read the original story here
or check other stories on ROM
or Ao3
Prev: >>37170305
QOTT: If the Affini knocked on your door for a wellness check right now, would you pass?this is not /lgbt/ related>>37182894
>99+% tranny fandom
Yes it is.>>37182894
anon 90% of the protags are trans and 99% of the stories are lesbianAs promised, time for more convo starter questions! (Extra horny edition)

>for Affinis
1. What would be your favorite way to administer xenodrugs to your floret (injection, drug gas, drinking drug out of tit/peen, etc)?
2. Would you set up playdates with other florets? How "intimate" would these playdates be?
3. Would you ever use orgasming in a sadistic way? For example, overstimulation on high doses of Class A or edging with Class N to prevent orgasm.

>for florets
1. How would you want your Affini to administer xenodrugs to you (injection, drug gas, drinking drug out of tit/peen, etc)?
2. If your Affini set up a playdate for you with other florets, what would you like to do together?
3. Would you rather be owned by an Affini who pumped you full of high doses of Class As and kept stimulating you so that you came over and over and over again until you were hopelessly overstimulated, or would you rather be owned by an Affini who kept you on a strict diet of Class Ns and constant edging?what the fuck am i reading>>37182894
>mostly transgirls
>almost everyone else involved wants to collar a transgirl
I don't know, I think it might be more lgbt than "support israel or you hate yourself" or "should I have sex with my dad">>37182922
1. None for me, thank you
2. Planning our escape. Or worst, the best way to take as many of the weeds with me.
3. What the fuck

The descent of humanity into "docile junkies" is so fucked up. I hope a nearby Nova wipes our system soon, there is nothing of value left here.can you just post more artwork i dont really have the patience to read alladatyou people are so weird this is just chattel slavery>>37182922
>>for Affinis
1. Injections of course. It's so much more intimate, knowing that the entire volume of a floret's body is mine, not just the easy to access orifices
2. It depends on how I feel about the other owner. I think it would be adorable if my best friend's pet and mine got along very well
3. I might use it as a tool. Letting a floret who had been naught melt so she didn't have energy to do something she wanted to and pretending to have no idea what had happened, for instance. Making the process painful would be too cruel, but keeping the floret going until walking away from my vines is painful? That would be fun.

Your latest autistic fixation, anon. Enjoy>>37183188
i think its different but i dont really care i would be happy to be treated like a pet that people doted on and such>>37182880
god I fucking need so much

I got a wellness check from my job irl so no>>37183081
>The descent of humanity into "docile junkies" is so fucked up. I hope a nearby Nova wipes our system soon, there is nothing of value left here.
Never lose hope fellow Terran, no matter how many choose to submit to vile Xenos, Mankind will always survive in the end!>>37183230
I don't think you would, I think you would understand very quickly how hideous it would be to permanently lose so many freedoms, even the freedom to end your life
the people that write this shit actually have full control over what the masters, do it's a fake kind of fantasy bondage, the reality is different>>37182922
>for florets
1. I dont mind the administration process, I have no real preference, but injection can leave marks and that kind of hot desu, but oral administration has alot of appeal too
2. I usually like seeing the interests of others, passion is an incredibly attractive quality in all people, but personally I go by vibes and have a wide variety of tastes ranging from traumacore to cottagecore
3. I would rather be kept on low doses during everyday life so that I can function somewhat, Im a lightweight so it doesnt take much for me, but during intimacy I would like my affini to use as much as pleases them and myself alike, limitation and withdrawal can be both pleasurable and pragmatic>>37183299
i think i would, you don't understand the social pressure of being forced and made to function within the system, where every single action we take is under so much scrutiny by your peers that its tantamount to slavery, i would rather something that doesn't beat around the bush and cherishes me as some sort of companion animal where im basically a docile junkie>>37183299
I was flirting with someone who said they would force themselves on me recently, I said I would take my own life so that they couldnt, they said that they would prevent me from doing so and the thought of that made me need to go for a walk to clear my head
speak for yourself anon>>37183351
This only works because we as readers know the Affini are benevolent. The reality, especially for someone who has lived in highly controlling/abusive environments, is that this would be a terrifying experience. (Which is what I love about HDG, mind) You don't truly know whether or not your plant master will one day abandon you. Or become abusive. Or force you into manual labor or worse. Human experience teaches us that often too much kindness belies evil and violence.>>37182922
>for florets
1. Needles are kind of scary but in a good way, sudden pinch followed by good chemicals... I've fainted from getting a bunch of shots at once but that also kinda turns me on so yeah probably needles
2. Crafts could be fun... cuddling for sure
3. Overstim pls pls pls pls pls pls