/lesgen/ - Lesbian General

/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

>QOTT 1: What current event or piece of media has been taking up space in your mind lately?
>QOTT 2: What do you wish those around you understood better about you?

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old thread: >>37164547sex with a womanhigh by myself listening to sky ferreira
my life is over>>37183634
>What current event or piece of media has been taking up space in your mind lately?
the great schism
>What do you wish those around you understood better about you?
im not someone to envy and every time a friend says "i wish i could do that!" or just straight up "i envy you" or "im so jealous" it makes me want to die
i love to be loved
i love to be enjoyed, and praised, and to feel recognized for the accomplishments
but the idea that im admirable to that degree, the idea of someone wishing they were in my station, makes me sick to my stomach
because i'd trade so much of my life for just an ounce of the safety most people got to experience
the certainty of food, the certainty of a roof over the head, the certainty of protection from those that should care for you
the mediocrity of life that comes with stability
these things which i found lacking so often in my upbringing and even in my early adulthood have left me hurt in ways that i will always fail to describe to others
its only in the silent understanding and love of a handful of people, one in particular, that i feel okay
the silent sense of safety that ive craved my entire life
so i just wish some people would stop thinking of me as someone worthy of reflecting or envying, because im not, im a very brutally damaged person that wishes they could redo so so much of life>>37183698
wait the great schism is not a current event
the russian gov backed media org that got exposed as having invested millions into right wing pundits and influencersgonna drink a little and then fast so autophagy kills the cancer before it takes hold