/mmg/ - manmoder general

traumatic brain injury edition
QOTT: what were we talking about anyway?>>37183984
prev >>37160538>>37183984
I MISS HERshe's not coming back>>37184029
of course not and if she showed up in my life again I'd fucking kill myself on the spot but stillI killed her>>37183101
Imagine the smell>>37184038
if that were true I'd kill you>>37184069
Her pussy was so loose i couldnt even get off in her after she croaked kek
I wore a condom too i didn’t want to catch anything>>37183984
you all wanting to fuck me?
i got a brain injury>>37184081
how rotten was she you sick fucker of microbial waste>>37184081
last time I googled her she changed her name, probably has a family and hasn't thought about me in yearswho up in hell?I will die only having really been with one person and that's fine, I would prefer it had been none so I hadn't been ruinedi never google him
last i did he had a wife, a house, and an adaptive daughter...
fuck... why wasn't i born with some intelligence to see he wanted me so fucking hard?!?>>37184115
nothings up in hell...
i mean the sulfur rain is light lately so that's kinda a positiveI miss her>>37184099
Ozempic4th night in a row of fried slop>>37184249
i wish i could eat literally anything rn my stomach has been growling for hours but i don't feel even a little hungryWhich one of you posted the big tits on r9kone day my intestines will rupture in a torrent of putrifying scum and acidic bile will melt through the decrepit skeleton that, at one point in time, could have been considered a human being>>37184303
People be posting nudes there? But skip us? OK who was it, let's string em up and burn the witch.>>37184203
only if it makes you love me
nobody will ever love me, or even like me
wanna cuts so fuckign hard>>37184323
Fly me out baby>>37184304
>that ... could have been considered a human being
stop coping already

but sure if, it happens please direct it towards me to consume this monstrous blob of fat and... well, just fat, ok?>>37184338
might but ik nobody would ever>>37184304
happens to the best of us>>37184303
same worstie metabolic life is disgusting>>37184388

real and same
bigger same going to get high and bleedAGP they/she gigarapehon oiling up big round they/hefab butts>>37184427
You have me on discord just send the tickets hottie i will pack my fisting gloves