Are libs mentally capable of figuring out that immigrants even take all the entry-level jobs?
It's not just Ramdeep taking your coding job. It is literally every single job. Even jobs White teenagers used to do are now done by spics and jeets. There are no "backup" jobs anymore. There are simply no jobs.
Libs don't seem capable of processing this information and see browns as their "allies" when they very directly harm employment chances, run up rents, run up the cost of everything else, etc. Even ignoring the basic crime/welfare/culture arguments, the employment issue alone should be enough for most liberals to understand that you simply cannot open the borders for the entire world to come in unless you want to destroy your own life.>>494164119 But who is hiring those migrants? Yes. Other whites.>Are libs mentally capable of figuring out that immigrants even take all the entry-level jobs? no. these faggots have internalized the "they took our jerbs" joke from southpark and they can never bite the bullet and admit that foreigners literally are taking our jobs>>494164171 ok? the immigrants and the traitors who are hiring them should both be punished>>494164171 >But who is hiring those migrants? Paper demons known as corporate persons.>>494164171 Wow, almost like something needs to be done about traitorsYou are trying to ascribe human qualities to an organism whos only function is to feed off everything around it. These organisms are entirely self serving and all act as a single unit.
Until you realize this, you will have no grasp over what is going on in the world.
These people are literally not sentient.>>494164119 They're cat ladies hoarding strays. There's no reasoning with them.>>494164429 Not abstract at all. It's actually Jimbo Boomer, good old White man, who buys a franchise restaurant or manages a Walmart and hires shitskin invaders instead of Whites>>494164119 >It is literally every single job. >you simply cannot open the borders for the entire world to come in unless you want to destroy your own life Your getting replaced, what part of that you don't understand. America isn't about colour of Skin, it requires excellence and your lazy fat ass has none.>>494164690 >toronto>>494164511 No, its the corporate person whose pyramidal hierarchy and competition with other corporate persons depends on a large pool of underpaid initiates at the bottom of the corporate structure.>>494164119 all the comments in over there sounds like some chatgpt bs. are they all bots over there? they all sound like bots with no souls, straight NPCs in there. obviously the answer is to kys.It's the same as boomers and Jews. They refuse to listen to have any respect for the young Americans who will be fucked over. The left left labor long ago>>494164119 Committing crimes over being dead is the way>>494164757 So america, with its record low unemployment, is the only place where people are struggling to find work these days?>>494164904 No, Cabada is fucked for employment. We have too many jeets.>>494164690 I'm an insurance defense lawyer. Yeah dude 76-IQ average Indians are definitely "excellent" and not just scab labor. It's funny how India ruthlessly enforces its own immigration policies, brutally deporting Bangladeshis who come to work illegally, but when you filth come here, it's "excellence" and "meritocracy." No, you're just substandard but very cheap labor producing garbage code, using pidgin "English," and running up the cost of living. Your entire existence is a massive net negative for Whites, and it would be better if we rounded all of you up. But stupid libs see brown skin, and their brown-skin worship kicks in. They've been conditioned by jews to believe anything brown = good. It's really sad and self-destructive, and unfortunately, only a total reorganization of society is going to stop you parasites. Only a civil war and cleansing ala Srebrenica will do it.>>494164732 the entire internet will be nothing but bots soon so i go outside and walk around where all the real people are in the cars so you cant interact with them and no one else is outside except for on their properties so you cant interact with them or they are inside, interacting with the bots online, and everyone else is just some different race of people that speak other languages that you dont understand and you cant interact with them either dystopian nightmare>>494164728 Corporations are just people, retard. It is asshole "white" traitors, kikes, and other ethnics making the hiring decisions.>>494164904 Workforce participation rate, particularly among men, is the relevant number. And also see recent hiring. Virtually all of them went to foreign-born. It is a straight-up replacement.
I think boomers and kikes assume there will be no blowback to themselves for what they've done to this country. There certainly won't be blowback from the brown-worshiping libs, who believe it's morally right to be replaced, but we've yet to see what right-wing Whites will do.
One thing's for sure: Donald Trump and Elon Musk aren't going to save us.>>494164959 Exactly>>494164975 >Corporations are just people No, they are more like pen and paper AI than they are actual human beings.>>494164899 He should commit crimes first, and if that doesn't work, kill himself. Nobody will acknowledge that killing yourself actually does make sense in rare situations when the rest of your life is most likely going to be a nightmare (e.g., imprisoned, heavy debt with zero job options, etc.)
Some could also consider Minecrafting before killing self (theoretically, not advocating anything, of course)>>494165369 Are you a bot or just retarded? The board, executives, lower managers, employees are all people. You're confusing corporate personhood, which is a legal concept, with the reality of who makes the actual decisions to hire shitskins, which is the topic of this thread.>>494164975 >It is asshole "white" traitors, kikes, and other ethnics making the hiring decisions. No, its collective and bureaucratic which is why you are talking about a megacorp like Walmart instead Jimbo's Local Grocer who all went out of business in the 90s thanks to Walmart and a handful of other large corporate persons.>>494165425 No, the bureaucracy of the collective makes the decisions, not individual people.
>the reality of who makes the actual decisions Its not a who, its a collection of bureaucratic elements that lead to the final decisions. I bet you think you choose the president when you vote too don't you and don't even understand you are picking an elector for a certain corporate entity.>>494164171 It's boomers who have already made it and who unironically believe those bullshit lines, "diversity is our strength" and "America is a nation of immigrants". Shockingly, those boomers also fucking love Israel and kikes. They're the goodest goyim of generations, and they've utterly fucked everything for their children and grandchildren in favor of disgusting brown hordes.>>494164119 >those heckin' libs Meanwhile the right now wants to take the actual well paying jobs already held by Americans and the working illegals will probably get to stay if Trump's own words on reversing his mass deportation stance are anything to go by. Start bitching about the people who are the actual problem instead of dangling keys to distract us, kike.>>494164171 Actually at this point it's indians since they've flooded middle management and upper management. And they only hire their own race. This is illegal on paper but in practice it's only ever been weaponized to prevent Whites from keeping their position in society. Once Whites were driven out of upper and middle management, their pajeet replacements were free to kick out the rest of them.
Anyone who does not believe in ZOG at this point is an idiot. We are run by foreign, hostile occupation governments and have been pretty much ever since we backstabbed the Germans.>>494164119 Bye-bye middle class. Welcome to the underclass, brother.>>494165722 And the left only cares because it's now their jobs on the firing line. They didn't give a single fuck when non-Whites were taking "lower class" jobs, it's only now that leftists' jobs are being targeted that they admit it's a problem, and their mockery turns to panic.The Canadian government is subsidizing their wages. Have you tried being born in India?>>494164119 I really hate redditors. I hope he ends it all.>>494164171 I employ about 50 people and when we fly jobs I get tons of immigrants who apply, I always interview them and never call them back. I will never hire an immigrant lol.>>494164119 Rajpreet hires gurpjeet and his 15 friends to replace all the mid-level coders.
Those mid-level coders are smart and capable guys who shift to wageslaving at pizza joints and running uber.
The teenagers and kids who are just getting started can't find work anywhere that some desperate 40 year old who has to pay his bills needs, while the teenagers still have mom and dad.
In the end all that's happening is a massive displacement of Americans out of the workforce while driving wages down as fast as possible. It sets the nation up for total and complete collapse, it's like locusts moving in on a harvest.>>494164171 You are right. I'm like the only white person on this board. It's just browns with inferiority complexes, and their minds can't understand how weak and traitorous white "people" actually are. Most White Canadians will crawl for piss and shit and mud to huff the fart of a pajeet. I hear things like "I LOVE YOUR FOOD" or "WELCOME TO CANADA". I had to hear people tell me about pajeets are victims, because they had to travel halfway across the world, pay a fake strip mall university to backdoor into the country, and pay their employer so they could steal a job from a local teenager. Whites are traitorous human filth.