rare / obscure torrents

Post hard to find content content, can be anything - TV , Movies , Porn , etc. If I see something sufficiently rare enough and it interests me I will seed indefinitely. I'll start with some OC:

>The Farm: Angola, USA
This is a 1998 documentary about prisoners in Angola Prison, Louisiana. Not only is there no surviving torrents, I couldn't find a legal copy of the original 1998 DVD anywhere, only VHS or the 10th anniversary sequel. I had to buy a bootleg copy of of some pakistani DVD reseller, and ran it through an AI to remove compression artifacts. This is the only surviving torrent of this documentary, please sneed.

Personally created torrent of my digitalized dvd serbian dubbed cartoon collection, although now a few high upload seeders joined, the data is still obscure as i cant find almost any of these anywhere consistently outside of a couple of them in low quality on youtube

This is a movie ive found seeded by one guy only on one torrent on dht and nowhere else, i am mostly the only seeder on it since then, although ive uploaded it on archive.org now as well, along with other rare things ive had

Anything you have rare and obscure i recommend also uploading to the archive
Good shit, I will put both of these on my seedbox>>1209466
interesting concept op ill try to boot somethingNeanderthal, the Mystery of the Bruniquel Cave

In 1990, a teenage boy discovered a cave near the village of Bruniquel in the Aveyron gorges. Deep inside this cave, 350 meters from the entrance, lay structures made up of hundreds of stalagmite fragments, some of which were arranged in circles and showed signs of fire use. In 2014, analysis of calcite samples dated the structures back 176 500 years, proving that their Neanderthal creators were capable of exploring underground, using fire to light their way, and of carrying out activities that were not merely subsistence-related.
