Holy shit I thought Matt ward was bad but abnett is driving this franchise into the dirt. >The Emperor didn't create the primarchs and the chaos gods didn't scatter them but a heckin girl boss who did it to show the emperor what a fascist chud he is >Instead of sanguinius making a final stand subvoots expectations by having horus kill him like a bitch, ruining one of the greatest fights in the enitre setting >Gives the Emperor a name, parents, and a pointless back story that adds nothing to the lore for literally no reason >Re-interpreted ollanius pius story (AGAIN). Now he was never even on the vengeful spirit all but did fighting angron. Because fuck you this is modern 40k and were not allowed to have nice things. Seriously, I even liked some of his older books but now he's like the living incarnate of reddit. What the hell happened?the lore is ded man. Just play until 5th edition cuz it aint gonna get better.>>94606492 If they're keeping Olly a perpetual then taking him out of the Horus humbug makes sense, have that spot go back to being filled by a random no name guardsman. Makes little sense for Empy to be so pissed at Horus for "killing" a guy that can't be killed, instead of a guy that was absolutely no threat to him that he could have just as easily ignored.Something made up by someone can be unmade up just as easily. "uh the emperor loves to fiddle his foreskin" no he doesn't. If you disagree I hope disney buys that thing you like and you just have to go along with what they say. I don't know why you'd do that to yourself.