/osc/ - Object Show Community General #14 Firey Underwear Edition Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/71697373
FAQ: >What are object shows? Object Shows are web cartoons featuring object characters, inspired by their common ancestor "Battle For Dream Island" read more here: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObjectShows
>Who watches this shit? Severely autistic people and children (We're the severely autistic people)
>You must be 18 and over to post on this site. BFDI came out 14 years ago. People that were fans back then are adults at this point. https://howlongagogo.com/date/2010/january/1
>I’m interested, where should I start? Battle for Dream Island (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL24C8378F296DB656) is the first object show that started it all, but it’s hit or miss for some people, on top of varying wildly in quality from season to season, you should still watch it to have context for everything else in the fandom, but if you got filtered and you're just looking to skip straight to the "best" object show like some sorta filthy casual, you can just watch ONE by CheesyHFJ. (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLibm-rpGR0iD8pJdfYJCFtw4OZUxuUCuM)
Links: SFW-only booru: https://osc.booru.org Archive of shows by Cabby: https://objectarchive.neocities.org/ Drawfriend MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/nYISnTBb#EMv_TT3-oLl28EGV9btZRg Extra links pastebin: https://pastebin.com/whUsruxMTrash is surprisingly fast for a "hidden" thread