/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

Undead Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Season, CoA+Wrath Alpha/Beta invites going, V+ server after CoA)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com/ (TBC no changes)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com/ (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>492221714https://streamable.com/69mg1zworgen males. hnghhh.>>492985343
disgustingdaily reminder that if you're making TBC/WotLK server you should make profs/leveling at least x3 until last expansion>>492988709
GD had x7 profs 1-450 because they understood that nobody likes leveling professions, and the server was all the better for it>>492988709
stormforge does not care>>492985343
god I love kigs>erp server
>no draenei
when is twow getting the one race that matters (and worgen for friends and family)?>>492994515
twow has hold a grudge for over 20 years that Horde got blood elves, they're never gonna do that.>>492994714
blizzard just did what had to be done...>>492994515
god if twow got worgen...
hnnnghjnnnghhnnnghso, back to turtl?like flies to turd(le) dump