--- >Database, class and skill planner NEW: gihyeonofsoul.com dead:itos.tavernofsoul.com/ dead: tos.neet.tv/ >Wiki/guide/database ariacademy.notion.site/Aria-Academy-06969c9fe5e14261929c2c83a24a09a8 ------------- >Servers(Steam - old) (the best one is the closest to your location, type "//ping" to check your latency ingame) Klaipeda(NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) W(Asia)
>Servers(Papaya - new) Popolion is the only one, hosted in Quebec.
>/tosg/ Guilds None on Steam ToS, but join FullMoonCafe since that has all of the members that still posts nowadays None on Papaya ToS